Tomography of a Proton: Towards new information on the strong interaction

Much attention has been devoted in recent years to the three-dimensional quark and gluon structure of the proton. In particular the concept of Generalized Parton Distributions promises an understanding of the generation of the charge, spin, and energy-momentum structure of the proton by its fundamental constituents. Forthcoming measurements with unprecedented accuracy at Jefferson Lab (US) and at CERN will presumably challenge our quantitative description of the three-dimensional structure of bound states of quarks and gluons. To fully exploit these future experimental data, new tools and models are currently being developed.

After a presentation of the steps towards proton imaging from experimental data, we will discuss the theoretical constraints that models of Generalized Parton Distribution should fulfill. We will explain what can be expected from future measurements, and will address the question of obtaining rigorous results about what can be reliably extracted from proton tomography.

The presentation is here

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